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   Li Tianxiang, born in 1928 in Jing County, Hebei Province, was admitted to the Oil Painting Department of the National Beiping Academy of Fine Arts (later renamed the Central Academy of Fine Arts) in 1946, where he studied under masters such as Wu Zuoren and Xu Beihong. After graduation, he served as a graduate student and teaching assistant. In 1953, he went to the Oil Painting Department of the Leningrad Repin Academy of Fine Arts in the Soviet Union to study in the studios of Oleshnikov and Merinikov. His graduation work "Children's Library" received an excellent graduation certificate and was awarded the title of "Artist". The work is collected in the Repin Academy Museum in the Soviet Union. After returning to China, he served as the director professor of the Second Painting Studio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1985, he became the dean of the School of Fine Arts at Shanghai University.

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